Thursday, 4 April 2013

Confirms Authority

Authority is one of the many goals achieved through good brand reputation marketing and management. In a highly competitive online business landscape, there is a lot to gain when brands can be positioned as authorities in a given niche market. Having authority means a high level of credibility with good customer trust, customers who will gladly help spread the word of any business with whom they have had good experiences. In order to build this type of trust and become such an authority, a business must carefully monitor its online reputation and continue to work on building a good reputation.

Authority - A Combination of Presence and Good Reputation

Before any company can gather enough followers to be considered an authority among its competitors, they need to be seen by as many people as possible. To accomplish such a goal, it is necessary to have a highly optimized website that is supplemented with many other ways to increase visibility and reader interest.

Social media is an important part of this equation now, providing more results for initial effort thanks to the following and sharing that viewers can actually help a business by spreading the word about good experiences. Blogs that are frequently updated with quality, useful information tie in with social media and websites as well. Positive press, product reviews, and praising testimonials provide not just another way for people to read good things about a company; they provide one more way to increase search engine rankings.

Through these combined methods, a brand name can be built so that it can become recognized, easily found in search results, and always viewable by current and prospective customers. Good and frequent publicity is the start of good reputation marketing, a way that will help build an online presence to the point where it will have established credibility and authority within a niche market.

Managing Reputation After Establishing Authority

While promoting good publicity is one of the main jobs of reputation marketing, once a business is competing and vying for customer attention, managing a positive web presence becomes a priority. Most companies will, at some point, encounter some negative online exposure, perhaps a disgruntled customer posting to social media. It is important to watch for such instances and be prepared with a plan of action to deal with any issues.

Frequent searches should be done to see if any negative references are found. If any are located, the threat needs to be evaluated and the problem remedied by responding to complaints and doing whatever is reasonable to correct any mishandling problems, to make good on the issue in the eyes of the unhappy customer. Publicly doing so can turn negative situations into positive ones, hopefully for that dissatisfied customer. If the problem cannot be completely resolved, at least others will see a company's willingness to work with clients and hopefully have a clear impression that a business truly cares about providing good service and living up to customer expectations.

That kind of publicity - even though it started out poorly - can go a long way toward increasing a company's credibility. It also provides moments for re-evaluation of corporate priorities, an opportunity to determine how things could be done better which is another sign of credibility and a step toward building that desired authority.

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